I have some cooking blogs that I like to read. And one of the bloggers from that rotation has been really busy - she's getting married, and writing something crazy like two books, and doing lots of things. That's fine, but I've noticed that all of her updates lately start like this, "I know it's been x weeks since I posted, but I've been so busy doing xyz..."
It's getting tiresome to read. I imagine it's getting tiresome for people who read our blog to see that too. So new rule: from now on, no matter what is going on, I will no longer justify my lack of posting. I'm sure you all get it - Mike and I both work full-time. I just started a new job, and he's kicking butt on a new project team for a big thing for < insert some tech words with letters like IEU or SOFA or something >
The house is coming along, one project at a time. But we're not going to break any crazy Extreme Home Makeover records here. So posts will come as the projects move along, and I'm going to stop feeling guilty for being a deadbeat blogger.
Instead, I'm going to enjoy riding my bike some weekends. And making weird faces when caught on camera.
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