Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Found: 3 pieces of tan car

We live on a corner. Not just a corner property but also in the apex of a bend in the road.

Our house has the "A" over it:

Now, see the white car on the map that's heading for our house? If that car is going too fast, or if the roads are slick, or if drivers are not paying attention to what they are doing, well, this shows what could happen.

See how the arrow points RIGHT at our house?

We've heard countless cars blow out tires and rip off pieces of fender on our curb and the curb by our next-door neighbor's house. Two summers ago, a couple of underage drunk girls did this:

They came up the street, hit the curb, somehow ended up airborne, sliced a telephone pole in half, landed on the street upside down, and slid over 50 feet on the roof of the car. Everyone was unhurt except the pole.

Today, some jackass went too fast in the snow around our bend and drove into our yard. Now I know it was slick, but keep in mind that dozens of other cars managed this maneuver without crashing.

Yep. That's a tire track leading directly to the rock wall. Thankfully somebody was thinking ahead a hundred years ago and built a rock wall in front of our house. We've talked about replacing it with a real retaining wall, but I'm starting to think the rocks are a little more car-proof. Think the rocks were put there to be buggy-proof back in 1890?

I get upset about this kind of thing because [begin rant] I just don't understand what is so hard to figure out about 1) a 25 m.p.h. speed limit 2) a sign that says TURN and 3) what is so #*%&# important in your life that you are willing to risk your life and that of others to go faster to the traffic light that is almost always red. What if one of the neighborhood kids had been on our sidewalk? Or if one of us had been shoveling snow? [end rant]

We know for a fact that at least one car took out the front porch in the past. Hey Crafton drivers, let's try to avoid doing that again - please? Oh, and random driver who ended up in our yard: we have some pieces of your car. I'll trade them for an apology.

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