Saturday, May 14, 2011

Spring sprang sprung

And then 6 weeks went by without a post.

We've been kind of busy. First, Mike and my dad hung half of our bedroom ceiling.

Then there were some small structural fixes to make:

Then, we went on our "last hike":

Last hike? I wanted to get out in the woods before I ended up with this bad boy on my foot:

Work on the house stalled, as Mike's been spending most of his time taking care of me and the regular house stuff (laundry, grocery shopping, cooking, cleaning). We're both still working full-time (thankfully in this economy), so that takes up some time too. Just a couple of weeks ago, we came home from work to see this beside the house:

This conversation followed.

Mike: Do we have water?
Guy in hole: Yeah you have water.
M: Oh good. What's wrong?
GiH: Is this your house?
M: Yeah, we live here.
GiH: Do you ever smell sewage inside?
M: Not really.
GiH: You were tied in wrong. You were tied in to a broken pipe, so your liquids were getting through but your solids were backed up.
M: ...

Exciting! More that I ever wanted to know about our sewage!

Our bedroom and 2nd floor hallway now have full ceilings hung. As I write this, Mike and my dad are upstairs pounding on things and banging things around. That sound translates to prep work on the front room's joists.

I'm not much help lately, but now that I traded in Big Foot for Das Boot, I can help with normal household chores, like hanging out with Chester the guinea pig while Mike cleans his cage.

I'm still not really up for carrying drywall, though. We're still accepting volunteers!

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